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We are thrilled to invite you to a special graduation ceremony honoring the dedication and hard work of our esteemed CareerGuide-Certified Career Counsellors. This event is our way of recognizing and celebrating the significant contributions you have made through your certification journey with us. This is an exclusive, invite-only event, and we are excited to have you as part of this celebration. To confirm your participation, please complete the form linked below.
We look forward to celebrating your accomplishments and the positive impact you continue to make in the lives of others

Event Timing & Flow

10:00AM – Graduation Speech by Guest OF hONOUR

10:30AM – Graudation Robe distribution  & Certificate distribution

Guest of Honour



Prof. Santishree Dhulipudi Pandit

Vice Chancellor

Jawaharlal Nehru University


Know More About
Career Awards 2024